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    3 easiest methods of becoming a Citizen of Malta

    With a minimum investment, you can find yourself on the pathway to becoming a citizen of Malta. How? Just read these three simple steps that can make a foreigner/non-EU citizen attain citizenship in one of the fastest growing countries in the world.

    Regardless of whether you obtain your citizenship through birth, marriage, or residency, the Maltese citizenship act governs all forms dual citizenship. Under this act, certain provisions have been made for EU citizens and non-EU citizens.

    Therefore, join me as in unveil the three easiest method to become a citizen of Malta.

    By birth

    If you were born in Malta by Maltese parents or if one of your parents is a citizen of the country, then you automatically become a citizen. Also, if you were given birth to outside the country either by both or single Maltese parent, then you are qualified to become a citizen.

    However, I don’t want us to dwell more on this, invariable because about 95% of us are not in Malta as we read this content.

    Through Marriage

    Individuals who are legally married to Maltese nationals are eligible to apply for citizenship as provided by the Maltese Legislative Act. Although you need to tender the necessary documentation to prove your union.

    Malta Citizenship by residency and Investment


    Here, individuals who have lived in the country for up to four out of a compulsory 6 years stay are eligible to become a citizen. Your stay can be as a result of some reasons; most commonly work and study. However, specific requirements are needed.

    Most importantly, you should have an existing temporary resident permit, before proceeding to obtain a permanent one. The permanent one is valid for up to six years, but you can make your application once you have the permanent visa and have also lived consecutively for a minimum of four years.


    By your investment, you can secure a passport of the country with an amount as low as $250,000. You will make your application through the Maltese Citizenship Individual Investment Program (MCIIP). Through this program, the government grants high-quality investors a golden visa.

    You can achieve this either by buying government bonds, stocks, funding state projects or by investing in real estate. The best step to this is to go through the services of expert immigration consultants  in Qatar.

    The program offers numerous benefits; not only does it grant you free access to other European and Schengen countries, it gives you returns on your money and a second passport. Here is a broader information about the Golden visa in Malta and how you can apply for the program.